16 & 17 October 2018 · Olympia London

Day 2 - Wednesday 17 October 2018

09.00 - 09.45

KEYNOTE: Fantastic future? Predicting promise and peril

Martin Hamilton, Futurist & Innovation Adviser - UK

Martin Hamilton is resident futurist at Jisc, the organisation that provides digital solutions for UK education and research. His job is to keep an eye open for emerging trends and new technologies, and see what can be done to exploit and embrace them – or to mitigate against them. Martin will be taking an in-depth look at some of the major trends in digital technology - including AI, blockchain, data driven decision-making, and open research practice. How will they impact our customers, our organisations and the work we do? And what’s emerging from the research lab that will change how we work in the future?

10.00 - 10.30

Track A

Track B

Track C

A201 - Curation, creation, collaboration

Moderator: Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief, KMWorld Magazine Editor, Online Searcher, Computers in Libraries magazine
Opening up collections with digital interactive fiction and literary games
Gary 'Ash' Green, Digital Services Lead - Surrey Libraries, UK
Stella Wisdom, Digital Curator - The British Library, UK

Interactive fiction and literary games encourage writers and readers to explore new ways of interacting with stories and narratives; developing collections; and forging collaborations with local and international library and non-library communities. Easy to use tools offer new ways to curate and tell stories beyond the printed book and the spoken word. Gary and Stella will also be offering a one-hour hands on experience in ILI Extra!

B201 - Live, love, librarian - the power of the podcast

Moderator: Kenn Bicknell, Manager, Policy Research & Library Services - Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, USA
CASE STUDY: Librarians with lives: the power of the podcast
Jo Wood, Knowledge and Evidence Specialist - Public Health England, UK

Using easily accessible online tools, Jo Wood runs a CPD podcast called Librarians with Lives (LwL). She shares her experiences, hints and tips, and celebrates the power of the podcast to bring librarians together irrespective of their sector, location and role. Jo will also be recording the podcast at ILI this year. Watch out for LwL LIVE at ILI.

C201 - Trustworthy technology: ARCHANGEL and the future of digital archives

Moderator: Alison McNab, Academic Librarian (Research Support) - University of Huddersfield, UK
Alex Green, Digital Preservation Services Manager, Digital Archiving - The National Archives, UK

Blockchain is at the peak of the hype cycle – but it has the potential to transform the exchange and stewardship of information. The National Archives ARCHANGEL project is exploring how tamper-resistant and decentralised blockchain technology might be used to ensure that digital records are verifiable, and can be trusted as authentic -- so that no individual institution could attempt to rewrite history.


10.30 - 11.00


11.00 - 12.00

A202 - Communities collaborating to create knowledge collections

Moderator: Katherine Skinner, Executive Director - Educopia Institute, USA
CASE STUDY: Spoken traditions and digital resources: a Pacific island journey
Terence Huwe, Library Director (Emeritus) - Institute for Research on Labor & Employment, University of California, USA
CASE STUDY: A moving story of data: acting locally, thinking globally
Jane Stevenson, Archives Hub Service Manager - Jisc, UK

Cultural activism is helping Pacific Island societies capture undocumented knowledge and has implications for cultural preservation, digital archivists, and cultural anthropology.  In the UK, the Archives Hub brings together descriptions of archives, archival resources and repositories. Reusable data relies on systems, technology, but also on humans.

QUICK WIN SESSION: Using LibAnswers to track SFX Broken link reports
Angus Sinclair, e-Resources & Journals Supervisor - Goldsmiths University of London, UK

By sending broken link reports to a LibAnswers dashboard the library has been able to provide quick responses to users and valuable feedback to vendors.

B202 - Loud in the library: music, events and exhibitions

Moderator: Kenn Bicknell, Manager, Policy Research & Library Services - Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, USA
Live music in the library
Stewart Parsons, Project Manager - Loud in Libraries, UK
CASE STUDY: Telling the story of a live music venue – a librarian-led research project
Martin O'Connor, Administrative Assistant, Collection Development and Management - University College Cork, Ireland

Established in 2005, Get it Loud in Libraries gives people the opportunity to hear great live music in their local library. The programme attracts new audiences into library spaces. Hear how librarians crowdsourced a research project about a famous music venue and created a wildly popular exhibition.

QUICK WIN SESSION: Amplifying your event: who, what, where, when, why and how
Alison McNab, Academic Librarian (Research Support) - University of Huddersfield, UK

This lightning talk offers practical tips on using social media to promote and amplify events. It will be of particular interest to LIS professionals who are new to supporting events whether at a local level or as part of a professional network.

C202 - Resources for the 21st century scholar

Moderator: Bethan Ruddock, NBK Project Manager, Digital Resources - Jisc, UK
CASE STUDY: Building a home for digital content
Stephanie Taylor, Senior Consultant - CoSector - University of London, UK
CASE STUDY: Resource access for the 21st century
Richard Northover, Product Director, Identity - Elsevier, UK

Librarians are at the forefront of delivering tools, platforms and processes to support researchers. In this session we hear about an initiative designed to facilitate a seamless user experience for creators and consumers of scientific communication and solve challenges in network security and user privacy and the use of collaborative digital research platforms. A system alone isn’t enough for digital content to become a useful part of a collection. A ‘home’ environment for content reflects the core values and activities of the organisation. This session shares practical ideas about how to support digital content, engage with new and existing users and create a hybrid collection that will underpin the core values of any organisation.

QUICK WIN SESSION: Scholarly content in the flow – lean approaches to scholarly resources
Johan Tilstra, CEO, Founder - Lean Library BV - a SAGE Publishing company

Rethinking the role of the library as the starting point for the discovery of scholarly materials led to the ‘hunch’ that patrons might appreciate a plugin in their browsers that offers context bound, ‘just in time’ and ‘just in place’ library services.

12.15 - 13.00

A203 - National scale collaboration

Moderator: Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief, KMWorld Magazine Editor, Online Searcher, Computers in Libraries magazine
CASE STUDY: Collaboration between libraries – a library support system
Helle Lauridsen, Product Owner - Lyngsoe Systems, Denmark
Dina Raabjerg, Senior Manager Business Development - Systematic, Denmark
CASE STUDY: Community collaboration and the Jisc National Bibliographic Knowledgebase
Bethan Ruddock, NBK Project Manager, Digital Resources - Jisc, UK

Two ambitious projects highlighting the value of wide-scale collaboration. In Denmark all public libraries and some academic libraries moved to one library system. In the UK Jisc’s NBK project wants to bring together the catalogues of more than 200 higher education and research libraries. Have these projects succeeded in improving collaboration, enhancing resource discovery, improving collection management, and more, on a national scale?

UKeiGAt the end of this session, UKeIG will present the Jason Farradane Award, given to an individual or a group of people in recognition of outstanding contribution to the information profession.

B203 - Beyond the boundaries: promoting digital libraries

Moderator: Alison Sharman, Academic Librarian - University of Huddersfield, UK
CASE STUDY: Welcome to the Invisible Library: is anybody here?
Charlotte Stock, Digital Librarian - Halcyon London International School, UK
CASE STUDY: activeE: Promoting digital opportunities beyond the library
Iain Robertson, Digital & Information Services Officer - South Lanarkshire Leisure & Culture, UK

Hear how a school library is thriving, despite having no printed resources, no study space and no bookshelves proving it is possible to embed a digital library habit. To promote itself to a wide range of audiences, a public library service went on the road to host roadshows, tech support sessions and more in venues ranging from hospitals to rural festivals.

C203 - Collaboration to support learners

Moderator: Gary Horrocks, Editor - eLucidate, UK
Guiding learner journeys: the role of the humble reading list!
David Peacock, Content & Collections Manager - University of Hertfordshire, UK
Collaborate to innovate: library makerspaces across the California State University system
Jonathan Smith, Director, Library Technology - Sonoma State University, USA

A reading list solution forms part of a new Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), designed to give students a big picture of all their learning activities. The project has involved extensive change management processes and has seen the library work with academic and support services colleagues across the university. Sonoma State University Library collaborated with disciplinary faculty to create a makerspace open to all university students and faculty and has taken a lead role in facilitating the maker community across 23 universities in California.

13.00 - 14.15


14.15 - 15.15

A204 - PANEL SESSION: The wonderful world of web archiving

Moderator: Peter Webster, Managing Director - Webster Research & Consulting Ltd, UK
Web archiving across borders
Olga Holownia, Programme & Communication Officer - IIPC, UK

Established 15 years ago, IIPC has grown from 12 to over 50 institutions that have been actively involved in web archiving. With its mission to acquire, preserve and make accessible knowledge and information from the Internet for future generations, the IIPC has been promoting global exchange of ideas and practices through collaborative projects, transnational collections and training initiatives. Over the years the consortium has organised web archiving conferences, workshops, and has collaborated on research and development projects by sharing data and testing tools. The aim of this presentation is to give an overview of the work of the IIPC focusing primarily on its collaborative initiatives as well as outreach projects aiming to encourage researchers to use web archives in their work.

Web archiving collaboration in The Netherlands
Arnoud Goos, Ingest Coordinator - Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, The Netherlands

For over a decade a number of organisations in the Netherlands, including the National Library, the National Archives, the University of Groningen and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, have independently archived the .nl domain or a smaller or larger scale, with different scope, criteria and reasons for their activities. Since 2016 the Digital Heritage Network (Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed) and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision have worked on setting up collaboration between these different initiatives. The first results of this collaboration include the National Register for Archived Websites (an overview of all the websites that have been archived in the Netherlands) and two videos promoting web archiving.

Curating 12 million websites
Helena Byrne, Curator of Web Archives - The British Library, UK

The UK Web Archive (UKWA) aims to archive, preserve and give access to the UK web space. This aim is achieved through an annual domain crawl that was first established in 2013. In 2016, the fourth UK domain web crawl harvested 70 terabytes of content. This is estimated at approximately 2 billion web assets (including web pages, images, videos and documents) and 12m websites. In addition to the annual domain crawl, UKWA has been building curated special collections which date back as far as 2005. These collections reflect important aspects of British culture and events that shape society. The aim of this presentation is to highlight what UKWA does, how you can use it and how you can get involved.  

PROMISE: Preserving Online Multiple Information: towards a Belgian strategy
Eveline Vlassenroot, Researcher - Ghent University, Belgium

Belgium does not currently have a web archive. Without a web archive a significant portion of Belgian history will be lost forever. The aim of the PROMISE project is to (i) identify current best practices in web-archiving and apply them to the Belgian context, (ii) pilot Belgian web-archiving, (iii) pilot access (and use) of the pilot Belgian web archive for scientific research, and (iv) make recommendations for a sustainable web-archiving service for Belgium. As part of the project, an online survey was launched to help understand the requirements and needs of (potential) users of web archives. This presentation will report back on the results of the survey and outline the next steps in the project.


B204 - Keeping libraries in the news

Moderator: Ka-Ming Pang, Website & Promotions Librarian - University of Roehampton, UK
CASE STUDY: Framing the community: how a digital newspaper can benefit every type of library
Kenn Bicknell, Manager, Policy Research & Library Services - Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, USA
CASE STUDY: Working with local culture: building and strengthening community-relations to the library and literature via local media
Øjvind Fritjof Arnfred, Librarian - Vejen Kommunes Biblioteker, Denmark

Two case studies showing how libraries are using newspapers to promote their services to a wider audience. In Denmark a column in a weekly local newspaper delivers library news to 42,000 people in the community. In the USA, an award-winning daily digital newspaper fills a demand for time-sensitive information. Hear how publishing and writing for newspapers can benefit libraries of every type.

C204 - New models for scholarly engagement

Moderator: Alison McNab, Academic Librarian (Research Support) - University of Huddersfield, UK
CASE STUDY: Delivering a transnational service: connecting Scotland and Mauritius
Heather Marshall, Senior Librarian - Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
CASE STUDY: The rise and fall of virtual community of scholars
Dr. Olga Koz, Graduate Education Librarian - Kennesaw State University, USA
Removing barriers to digital scholarship with a new Gale platform
Chris Houghton, Head of Digital Scholarship - Gale, a Cengage Company, UK

The library played a key role in developing a partnership between Glasgow Caledonian University and the African Leadership College in Mauritius - what were the challenges and opportunities? Hear how a community of scholars in Georgia was supported by a librarian, a researcher, a mediator and a content curator (one person!) using face-to-face, social media, and collaborative digital research tools. Discover how Gale is working to transform digital humanities research with Gale Digital Scholar Lab - a platform combining Gale Primary Sources with OCR Text to add even more value to a library's collection.  



15.15 - 15.30


15.30 - 16.00

Final Keynote & Closing Roundup: 20 years in 20 minutes

Moderator: Brian Kelly, Director - UK Web Focus, UK
Phil Bradley, Information Specialist & Independent Consultant, UK

In this light-hearted quick-fire round-up of this year’s anniversary conference, ILI co-chair Phil Bradley reflects on the key themes, ideas and innovations that have emerged over the past two days, surveys some of the innovations we have encountered over 20 years of ILI, and looks ahead to future challenges and opportunities for libraries and information professionals.


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