16 & 17 October 2018 · Olympia London

ILI 2018 Speakers

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  • Alistair Alexander — Project Lead, The Glass Room Experience/Tactical Tech, Germany
  • Amy Andres — Director of Libraries, Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar, Qatar
  • Øjvind Fritjof Arnfred — Librarian, Vejen Kommunes Biblioteker, Denmark
  • Kenn Bicknell — Manager, Policy Research & Library Services, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, USA
  • Adam Blackwood — eLearning Consultant, Adamsrsc, UK
  • Karen Blakeman — Researcher, Trainer & Author, RBA Information Services, UK
  • Phil Bradley Information Specialist & Independent Consultant, UK
  • Helena Byrne — Curator of Web Archives, The British Library, UK
  • Amy Campbell — Information Services Librarian, Leeds Beckett University, UK
  • Natasha Chowdory — User Research Consultant, Methods, UK
  • Genevieve Clarke — Programme Manager, The Reading Agency, UK
  • Catherine Dhanjal — Director PR & Marketing,, TheAnswer Ltd, UK
  • James English — Product Development Strategist, Lyrasis, USA
  • Arnoud Goos — Ingest Coordinator, Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, The Netherlands
  • Louise Graham — Digital Services Librarian, Stirling Council Libraries, UK
  • Alex Green — Digital Preservation Services Manager, Digital Archiving, The National Archives, UK
  • Gary 'Ash' Green — Digital Services Lead, Surrey Libraries, UK
  • Eleonor Grenholm — Regional Library Development Manager, Regional Library of Uppsala, Sweden
  • Martin Hamilton — Futurist & Innovation Adviser, UK
  • Ray Harper — Digital Learning Librarian, RNN Group, UK
  • Olga Holownia — Programme & Communication Officer, IIPC, UK
  • Gary Horrocks — Editor, eLucidate, UK
  • Trevor Hough — Subscriptions & E-Resources Coordinator, University of Leeds, UK
  • Chris Houghton — Head of Digital Scholarship, Gale, a Cengage Company, UK
  • Natasha Howard — Library Manager, Aubrey Keep Library, North East London NHS Foundation Trust, UK
  • Terence Huwe — Library Director (Emeritus), Institute for Research on Labor & Employment, University of California, USA
  • Carlos Izsak — Maker Education Lead, Artefacto, UK
  • Brian Kelly — Director, UK Web Focus, UK
  • Bohyun Kim — Chief Technology Officer & Professor, University of Rhode Island, USA
  • Hal Kirkwood — Bodleian Business Librarian, Sainsbury Library, Said Business School, University of Oxford Special Libraries Association
  • Jesper Klein — Reviewer/President, Directors support, National Library of Sweden The DAISY Consortium
  • Olga Koz — Graduate Education Librarian, Kennesaw State University, USA
  • Donna Lyn Labangon — Public Programs Librarian, De La Salle University, Philippines
  • Tobias Larsson — Library Educator, Espoo City Library, Finland
  • Helle Lauridsen — Product Owner, Lyngsoe Systems, Denmark
  • Kate Lomax — Co-founder/CEO, Artefacto, UK
  • Randolf Mariano — Digital Engagement Librarian, US Embassy, Philippines
  • Heather Marshall — Senior Librarian, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
  • Bruce Massis — Director of Libraries, Accreditation Liaison Officer, Academic Affairs, Columbus State Community College, USA
  • Lucas Maxwell — Librarian, Glenthorne High School, UK
  • Liz McGettigan — Director of Digital Library Experiences, SOLUS, UK
  • Pam McKinney — Lecturer, Information School, University of Sheffield, UK
  • Alison McNab — Academic Librarian (Research Support), University of Huddersfield, UK
  • William H Mischo — Head, Grainger Engineering Library Information Center; Berthold Family Professor in Information Access and Discovery, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
  • Marisol Moreno Ortiz — Diversity Scholar, Oregon State University Libraries and Press Diversity Scholars Program, Oregon State University, USA
  • Kerry Murray — Locality Manager, Norfolk Library & Information Service, UK
  • Richard Northover — Product Director, Identity, Elsevier, UK
  • Martin O'Connor — Administrative Assistant, Collection Development and Management, University College Cork, Ireland
  • Amy O'Donohoe — Customer Care (Collections) Coordinator, Royal Holloway University, UK Special Libraries Association
  • Marydee Ojala — Editor-in-Chief, KMWorld
  • Emily Overton — Principal Consultant, Records Management Girl Consulting, UK
  • Ka-Ming Pang — Website & Promotions Librarian, University of Roehampton, UK
  • Stewart Parsons — Project Manager, Loud in Libraries, UK
  • David Peacock — Content & Collections Manager, University of Hertfordshire, UK
  • Ned Potter — Academic Liaison Librarian, University of York, UK
  • Iona Preston — Academic Engagement Librarian, University of Roehampton, UK
  • Dina Raabjerg — Senior Manager Business Development, Systematic, Denmark
  • Bryony Ramsden — Subject Librarian, University of Huddersfield, UK
  • Amy Rippon — Academic Engagement Librarian, University of Roehampton, UK
  • Arthur Robbins — Library & Information Centre Manager, Roche Products Ltd, UK
  • Iain Robertson — Digital & Information Services Officer, South Lanarkshire Leisure & Culture, UK
  • Bethan Ruddock — NBK Project Manager, Digital Resources, Jisc, UK
  • Linda Sävhammar — Regional Library Development Manager, Regional Library of Dalarna, Sweden
  • Mary Schlembach — Chemistry & Physical Sciences Librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
  • Joshua Sendall — Research Data Manager, Lancaster University, UK
  • Alison Sharman — Academic Librarian, University of Huddersfield, UK
  • Steven Shelton — Digital Development Librarian, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA
  • Nick Sheppard — Research Data Management Advisor, University of Leeds, UK
  • Angus Sinclair — e-Resources & Journals Supervisor, Goldsmiths University of London, UK
  • Katherine Skinner — Executive Director, Educopia Institute, USA
  • Jonathan Smith — Director, Library Technology, Sonoma State University, USA
  • Sandra Spjuth — Regional Library Development Manager, Regional Library of Orebro, Sweden
  • Jane Stevenson — Archives Hub Service Manager, Jisc, UK
  • Charlotte Stock — Digital Librarian, Halcyon London International School, UK
  • Stephanie Taylor — Senior Consultant, CoSector - University of London, UK
  • Johan Tilstra — CEO, Founder, Lean Library BV - a SAGE Publishing company
  • Riikka Utrainen — Library Pedagogue, Espoonlahti libraries, Espoo City Library, Finland
  • Eveline Vlassenroot — Researcher, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Peter Webster — Managing Director, Webster Research & Consulting Ltd, UK
  • Peter Webster — University Librarian (Acting), Saint Mary's University, Canada
  • Arthur Weiss — Managing Director, AWARE, UK
  • Martin White — Managing Director, Intranet Focus Ltd, UK
  • Julia Wickholm — Library Pedagogue, Espoo City Library, Finland
  • Stella Wisdom — Digital Curator, The British Library, UK
  • Jo Wood — Knowledge and Evidence Specialist, Public Health England, UK

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